Posts by Présidence NAFCC

September 2017

Posted on September 15, 2017

Javier Martin: El ‘rap’ árabe, de la revuelta a la yihadEl Pais, September 13, 2017:

Capture d’écran 2017-10-25 à 21.47.02

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New board

Posted on July 20, 2017

Minutes of the Extraordinary General Assembly of May 8, 2017

The Extraordinary General Assembly of NAFCC took place on 8 May 2017 to elect a new Bureau due to Carlotta Gall’s departure from Tunisia.

A new board was elected. Its members are Frédéric Bobin, Sarah Souli, Maryline Dumas, Simon Kremer et Aleksei Merkulov.

The Bureau then proceeded of the election of :
– Frédéric Bobin, Président
– Maryline Dumas, Vice-Présidente
– Sarah Souli, Secretary General
– Simon Kremer, Treasurer

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July 2017

Posted on July 15, 2017

Lilia Blaise: Self-Immolation, Catalyst of the Arab Spring, Is Now a Grim Trend, New York Times, July 9, 2017
Capture d’écran 2017-10-25 à 21.51.28

“When Adel Dridi poured gasoline on his head and set himself on fire in May, his first thought was of his mother, Dalila, whose name is roughly tattooed on his arm. But another person was also on his mind: Mohamed Bouazizi, the Tunisian street vendor whose self-immolation in 2010 set off the Arab Spring uprisings.”

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(Français) Mai 2017

Posted on May 15, 2017

Lilia Blaise: Les déboires économiques fragilisent la Tunisie, Mediapart, 17 mai 2017:
“Entre la dépréciation du dinar, des mouvements sociaux qui continuent et le limogeage de deux ministres, la Tunisie souffre d’une crise économique et sociale qui, six ans après la révolution, prend le pas sur la transition démocratique du pays.”

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General Assembly

Posted on January 5, 2017

The General Assembly of the NAFCC took place on January 28th 2016.

List of members who attended: Frédéric Bobin, Carlotta Gall, Sandro Luytens, Justine Fontaine, Maryline Dumas Aleksey Merkulov, Jihane Bergaoui, Sarah Mersch, Sarah Souli.

The GA elected the new board: Frédéric Bobin, Maryline Dumas, Sarah Souli, Carlotta Gall.

Then the board elected Frédéric Bobin, as President; Maryline Dumas, as Vice-president; Sarah Souli, as General Secretary; Carlotta Gall, as Treasurer.


The new NAFCC board

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December 2016

Posted on December 15, 2016

Massinissa Benlakehal: Berlin attacker urged nephew to kill relative for IsilThe Telegraph, December 25, 2016:

Capture d’écran 2017-01-06 à 09.29.38

“The Berlin lorry attacker urged his teenage nephew to kill his uncle to prove his allegiance to Islamic State, according to Tunisian police.
Ferjani Fadi, 18, was arrested over the weekend in his hometown of Oueslatia, along with two others, believed to be cousins of the family, suspected of being members of a “terrorist cell” that supported Anis Amri.”

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Statement/ Rémy Pigaglio Egypt

Posted on June 2, 2016

2 juin 2016.

Le journaliste Rémy Pigaglio (La Croix, RTL) correspondant en Egypte depuis 2 ans, s’est vu interdire l’entrée sur le territoire égyptien lors de son arrivée à l’aéroport du Caire le lundi 23 mai 2016 après son retour de France. Accrédité par les autorités égyptiennes, détenteur d’un visa en règle, il a été placé en détention pendant 30h en zone internationale. Malgré l’intervention de l’ambassade de France, notre confrère a été refoulé sans aucun motif, sans aucun autre choix que de quitter le territoire.

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Members of NAFCC

Posted on April 28, 2016

Farida Ayari-Freelance (Enjeux Africains)

Maryline Dumas-Freelance

Mathieu Galtier-Freelance

Sarah Mersch

Guillaume Klein-AFP

Ines Bel Aiba-AFP

Frederic Bobin-Le Monde

Thessa Lageman-Freelance (ANP)

Jihane Bergaoui

Fanny Hargestam

Annette Steinich

Sarah Souli

Ricard Gonzalez-El Pais

Sandro Lutyens-France 24

Carlotta Gall-New York Times

Farah Samti-New York Times

Conor McCormick-Cavanagh-Freelance

Yasmine Ryan-Freelance

Nazanine Moshiri-Al Jazeera

Michaelle Gagnet-Freelance

Justine Fontaine-Freelance/Radio France

Nancy Porsia-Freelance

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The new NAFCC board

Posted on April 27, 2016

Procès Verbal de l’Assemblée générale du 28 janvier 2016

The General Assembly of the NAFCC took place on January 28th 2016. List of members who attended: Sarah Mersch, Frédéric Bobin, Sarah Souli, Carlotta Gall,  Farida Ayari.

The GA took note that Naveena Kottoor, Yasmine Ryan, Camille Lafrance and Sarah Mersch have left the board.

New elected board: Frédéric Bobin, Farida Ayari, Sarah Souli, Carlotta Gall.

Then the board elected:
Frédéric Bobin, as President (Mb: + 216 –
Farida Ayari, as Vice-president.
Sarah Souli, as General Secretary
Carlotta Gall, as Treasurer


The new NAFCC board


L’Assemblée générale du NAFCC a eu lieu le 28 janvier 2016. Etaient présents: Sarah Mersch, Frédéric Bobin, Farida Ayari, Sarah Souli, Carlotta Gall.

L’Assemblée générale a pris note du départ du bureau de Naveena Kottoor, Yasmine Ryan, Camille Lafrance and Sarah Mersch.

Les présents ont élu le nouveau bureau: Frédéric Bobin, Faradi Ayari, Sarah Souli et Carlotta Gall.

Ils ont ensuite élu Frédéric Bobin au titre de président; Farida Ayari, vice-présidente; Sarah Souli, secrétaire générale: et Carlotta Gall, trésorière.


Le nouveau bureau du NAFCC

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April 2016

Posted on April 15, 2016

Annette Steinich: Bierbrauer und Weinbauern in KaterstimmungNeue Zurcher Zeitung, April 3, 2016:

Capture d’écran 2017-01-06 à 09.51.56

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