Posts Tagged "Carthage"

Statement- Access to the presidential Palace

Posted on January 10, 2020

The foreign media correspondents based in Tunis regret to have been sidelined during the recent official meetings held by the Tunisian presidency.

In December, when Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan was visiting the country, foreign correspondents were not given access to the palace to attend the press conference, as highlighted by Reporters Without Borders. Tunisian journalists also encountered difficulties, according to the national union for journalists, the SNJT. No journalists were present for the statement by the French minister of foreign affairs during his visit to Tunis on January 9.

We underline the necessity for journalists to attend events in person in order to provide coverage: official images are not a sufficient stand-in for on the ground journalism.

We understand that there are security constraints and it is for this reason that we are accredited by the Tunisian authorities.

We are ready to organise between ourselves when circumstances require, to ensure coverage despite time constraints  or logistical challenges during certain visits.

We know that we can count on the good will of the presidency’s communications services and we support all of their initiatives to allow the media to fulfil their role as observers of democratic life. We hope that the doors of Carthage will remain open and that the presidency will welcome our independent and diverse coverage of its activities.

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August 2019

Posted on September 2, 2019

Ricard Gonzalez : La revuelta popular argelina encallaEl Pais, August, 17,  2019:
Capture d’écran 2019-08-26 à 11.56.47
Ni un calor sofocante -a veces, por encima de 40 grados-, ni las vacaciones de la Fiesta del Sacrificio, ni las medidas disuasorias de las autoridades en forma de calles bloqueadas o arrestos arbitrarios han podido poner fin a la revuelta popular en Argelia. Este viernes, una multitud volvió a manifestarse en una treintena de ciudades para pedir una verdadera transición democrática. Con esta, ya van 26 convocatorias seguidas, medio año. En la cresta de la canícula, el volumen de las movilizaciones se ha reducido, pero se espera que recuperen su vigor en septiembre, con el retorno del curso en las universidades. Será el momento decisivo para desbloquear el camino de una revuelta que lleva un par de meses encallada.

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